What is Re-Targeting and How Does it Work?
Let us start with knowing what exactly re-targeting means. As the word suggests, we target the customers who have already visited our website. it is basically of two types
1.Pixel-based retargeting.
2.List based retargeting.
So what is pixel based Retargeting?
Most of the popular websites employ pixel based retargeting to bring customers back for a second visit. It is entirely based on pixels. Thus the name. When a visitor visits your website then a pixel is placed on their browser making it cookied.
How pixel-based retargeting works?
It works when a customer visits your website and exit from the website. Now when the customer open some other website, the cookie alerts the previous websites he visited and thus the previous websites place their add on the present website they are surfing.
You might not be knowing the meaning but I bet that you have already come across it. Let me give an example you surfed the web for buying flight tickets, you have visited some abc.com to buy tickets and you have left the site without buying tickets. Now you have visited another website xyz.com to book a room, there will be a small image on xyz.com about abc.com which says that book your flight tickets for 20% discounts. This technique is called as pixel-based retargeting.
Pixel-based retargeting has so many benefits and it helps all the digital marketers to re-engage their customers. Some of the important benefits are:
- Increases traffic
- Generate better ROI
- High conversion rate
- It’s a lively act of reconnecting with customers
- Promotes your brand
Every website craves for attention and traffic no matter how big or small it is. By employing the aforementioned retargeting tactics, you could see a rapid rise in the conversion rates. Remember only 2 out of every 100 persons who have visited your website turns your customers, so to better that rate we should use pixel-based retargeting.