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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Your Start-Up?

Running your own start-up is no small feat. There are a million things that need your attention. From managing the product, to payments, to recourses, to logistics — everything requires an eye for detail.
Most entrepreneurs in their early days ignore marketing as it looks like an out-of-budget spend and is considered as a liability.
However, if done in the right way, digital marketing can be a huge boon for your start-up and will give you consumer insights to grow and accelerate your business. Here’s a list of five things to do to market your start-up.
Be Mobile-ready
In the digital landscape, it is of utmost importance that you are mobile-ready. Not only do you need to design a website in a mobile-friendly format, but also ensure that you need to think of a strategy that helps you reach out to your customers on their handheld devices. Studies suggest that mobile search has surpassed desktop search and it would be a logical move to ensure that mobile is an integral part of the overall marketing strategy. Put new processes and systems in place to interact with consumers more effectively on their mobile devices.
Content is King  
Content without doubt is king — a statement that all of us have heard and which can make a brand win or lose. The right content gets the consumer to engage and relate to the brand. Content is the pillar in which all your communication efforts stand. For an entrepreneur, it is imperative to ensure that the right efforts are made in the direction of content as it will help you witness a spike in web traffic and generate leads.
SEO is a Long-term InvestmentSEO is not a short-term project, do not engage in it once your website is ready and then forget about it. Google, on a regular basis, announces updates and your website needs to be compliant based on those updates. Consumers use the internet to get information on almost everything. To make sure your business catches their eye when the need arises is of utmost importance. Hence look at SEO with a long term objective.

There is More to Digital than Social Media
Digital marketing is not just about social media. There is a lot more to it. It is important that start-ups quickly adapt to these changes before turning into fossils. The world of digital comprises content marketing, bookmarking, videos, SEM, geo targeting and a lot more.  As a start up you must only invest in tools and platforms that make business sense. As Scott David Cook says, “A brand is no longer what we tell consumers, it is what consumers tell each other.”
Digital Marketing When Done Right Can Create a Big Impact in a Long-term
A thumb rule that every entrepreneur must remember is that there are no short term gratifications. And that you need to constantly optimize your content it is both an art and science. Ensure that you have proper Call to Action attached with your content and do not expect results overnight.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

5 Competitor Research Tips To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

It's a given that your business development halfway depends on your capacity to command your opposition and guarantee the best seat in your industry's online space.

To vanquish your industry by being that go-to business, there are various things you should set out to accomplish that range from better understanding your clients and furnishing them with the correct substance, to burrowing down at the key level with the assistance of an advanced promoting office that offers custom development stacks for each customer.

Online contender explore is one of numerous errands that will enable organizations to calibrate their advanced advertising methodologies. Preferably, this ought to be performed in the beginning period of onboarding.

Regardless of whether you are going to venture out making your computerized impression, or you've been up and running and a little while ago beginning to dissect your opposition's online nearness, these five hints will enable you to get strong knowledge into what your rivals are doing to enhance their perceivability and development, and give you alternatives to improve.

1. Distinguish Your SEO Competitors

A SEO contender is somebody who naturally positions for the essential search queries that relate to your business.

As a rule an organization's genuine rivals and their SEO rivals don't arrange and even cross ventures. For instance, suppose there is a fencing school that needs to rank and pull in more understudies to take in the specialty of sword play.

When they complete a Google scan for "fencing in Los Angeles", each and every outcome on page one of the list items is for organizations that fabricate wall for property proprietors. In spite of the fact that these two businesses are night and day from each other, the fence-building destinations are SEO contenders for the fencing school.

Gather a rundown of the fundamental search queries that relate to your business, items and administrations. At that point see who positions for these terms. On the off chance that a query item positions for numerous search queries at that point think about this your principle rival.

Furthermore you can enter catchphrases and see who positions, yet remember that purchaser conduct has changed significantly. This implies the vast majority utilize natural, common dialect while hunting down items and administrations.

2. Utilize Competitor Research Tools

There are various apparatuses you can use to increase significant knowledge into your opposition. These devices dissect your opposition's site, contrast their remaining with yours, and some even give information relating to paid inquiry and social signs.

SEMrush is a perfect apparatus to use for examining your rival's natural positioning history and catchphrases and look terms they rank for. SEMrush permits various free hunts previously you have to agree to accept their preliminary.

SpyFu is another apparatus that gives more complete contender information going from the amount they spend all things considered in paid inquiry to what number of natural snaps they get and for what terms. As should be obvious in this SpyFu screen capture catching the carrier Jet Blue's information, the report is separated into basins for natural and paid, while demonstrating their best rivals with access to similar information.

contender explore instruments precedent information

Month to month Domanin Overview – Jet Blue

3. Check their Backlinks

When you have characterized your best SEO rivals you will need to check their backlink portfolio. Backlinks are profitable in light of the fact that, if the connections are solid, they help enhance a site's space expert. Be that as it may, if the connections are low quality the web search tools can esteem them as spam and you can drop in positioning or now and again even get hit with a Google punishment.

A solid backlink should:

• Come from a site with a high area specialist

• Demonstrate trust

• Have content significant to the substance on its point of arrival

• Has a take after tag rather than nofollow

You can utilize apparatuses like Open Site Explorer to check your rival's backlinks. Make a rundown of the solid ones, what spaces these are, and afterward complete a touch of research to perceive what their rules are for visitor posts.

You will need to focus on similar spaces for backlinks while searching for comparable areas, and any alluding space with a sound nearness that is in respect to your industry.

4. Break down their Blog

Blogging is as yet a vital part to any advanced advertising technique. In a 2017 article via Search Engine Journal the writer says that "blogging is basic" for business, and "insipid, ordinary blog entries won't cut it". The article proceeds to state that such substance is inadequate and lethargic.

To start with, decide whether your rival's blog is unsatisfying vanilla loaded down with watchwords, or in the event that it centers around hot industry themes that endeavor to determine shopper needs. With ongoing changes in portable voice seek and the expansion in keen home hunts, content made to address basic worries in regular dialect positions well, as well as changes over well as well.

Keep in mind that web journals fill a bigger number of needs than enhancing SEO. Great substance will support and convert clients, keep on engaging existing purchasers, make mark mindfulness and separate you from comparative organizations.

Discover what your rivals do well in their blogging system, and search for circumstances in their deficiencies. Be the master voice in your industry and in time your perceivability and online notoriety will probably adjust.

5. Recognize Your Social MediaCompetitors

Understanding who your online networking rivals are is foremost to hitting your development objectives through a well-thoroughly considered computerized showcasing system. Having a functioning nearness in online life is significant in light of the fact that it:

• Generates profitable social signs to your site to enhance SEO

• Allows for simple access to focused gatherings of people

• Provides open doors for individuals to "showcase for you" by sharing your substance

• Gives you the capacity to advance your image's character and voice

• Offers passage focuses into inbound work processes

• Draws activity to your blog and item pages

There are various development hacking techniques that can be performed utilizing different internet based life stages. These can run from complex systems that include different personas connecting through robotized programming, to conversational techniques inside gatherings.

When starting to find how your rivals show up in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, consider utilizing social specifying instruments like Hootsuite. This stage not just enables you to perceive how frequently your opposition posts substance and how they connect with their clients however it likewise enables you to deal with your own particular internet based life nearness.

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Sunday, September 16, 2018


INCREASE LANDING PAGE SPEED: A landing page carries through your message to the customers by being transparent. The landing page has to be expertly designed as it can not carry too much baggage. When a customer makes a visit through your Facebook ad or Google AdWords, he/she should have a strong reason to stick around. So, we give them a call-to-action or an opt-in-form whereby he would be directed to the next stage of relation with your website.

Lets say a customer is on your landing page and he doesn’t like the look and feel of it, so he quits. How do you overcome this? Well for starters, you improve your design to make the customer feel more at home, feel like he belongs there instead of being redirected to a place he doesn’t want be. A survey has stated that, more than 3/4th of the customers prefer the backgrounds to be a photo rather than a solid colour. We at SanBrains, facilitate you with this and a whole lot more. Our template designing expertise will help you create leads by supplying a call-to-action button on the landing page and bringing them into the fold of funnelling. We always stress on the importance of the story your landing page tells a customer. Visually rich media will always deliver as a picture can tell a lot more than plain text.
We have a simple yet effective strategy when it comes to turning traffic into customers. The cold web traffic is first converted into leads as aforementioned then we engage them in an email sequence through which we touch their problems and try and recommend appropriate solutions. A person in need will always fall for this as he’d be desperate. Thus the leads are customers and customers bring conversion rate.
SanBrains commissions a few things to increase conversion rate
  • Quality content
  • Tidy looking interface
  • Visual description
  • Web design
  • Email lists
  • Captivating titles
  • First impressions
  • A/B split test
Sometimes you have to give in order to gain. Giving away content for free results in customer loyalty which would be terrific piece of business in long term as customer’s belief will act as a lead magnet which makes the customers share your links and broaden your reach.


Since provenance, Sanbrains has evolved in delivering the services from the small start-ups to the huge corporates which are helpful for organizations in their evolution.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

How to Enhance Your E-Commerce Website

How to Enhance Your E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce Website: Gone those days when we used to travel or walk to go to different places for shopping. Technology is growing and then the generation gap is easily visible. Now the generation is totally involved and loves to work digitally whether it is mingling with friends or shopping.
Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba, Snapdeal and so on are all the e-commerce websites that have grown up drastically and leading the world charts when it comes to business. Why they succeed when we have thousands of shopping malls in one city? Simple they have cashed in the situation.
So it is your turn to draw inspiration from them and start an E-Commerce website which takes you to greater heights and makes you a millionaire. Here is everything you need to know about creating killer websites to attract customers.
Basically, when you want to land in the E-commerce business, there are five major steps involved in it, namely
  1. Creating an attractive website
  2. Promoting the website
  3. Attracting customers with deals
  4. Cashing into customers’ needs
  5. Earning revenues
So, why E-commerce? Our generation is technically advanced and thus taking every single person all over the world digitally making them love and have a desire for some items that are not available in their country. But through E-commerce websites, they can access and buy anything sitting in their homes and getting delivered within no means of time.
So want to build a new E-Commerce website to engage more customers throughout the world and earn great revenues by taking your business to greater heights? No worries, we are here to help you grow.
So why SanBrains?
Our team at SanBrains, not only understands the requirements of your organization we also understand the needs of customers, we customize the website in such a way that each and every product is categorized and thus simplifying the work of customers and reducing the burden of them to search. We provide the best templates and work on the industry needs, promote it and engage clients all over the world so that your brand awareness is spread both locally and globally. We will help you through your success.

What Digital Really Means | Digital Marketing

What Digitalization Really Means

Advancements are everywhere, in every field, smartphones are available with 80% of the people and digitalization is the recent phase. Whether we talk about start-ups, medium-paced or well established MNCs, working digitally to reach your potential client is the need of the hour. The manual method of marketing your product to clients through pamphlets, hoardings, banners etc are time and money consuming, and if you are a start-up company, fund issues are there which are to be managed effectively. Thus marketing digitally and reaching your clients through social media and various online marketing strategies will be very cost-effective and would allow your business to invest in much-needed aspects.
What we mean when we say DIGITAL MARKETING: Digital marketing is everything from promoting your product to marketing your business online, keeping in mind to reduce investment while producing greater results which are profitable for the business. In order to digitalize the company, the business goals and objectives need to be analysed and every aspect needs to be taken care of, which is why the need for a DIGITAL CONSULTANCY comes in. Consultancy not only means providing a better suggestion about variants solutions fit for your firm, but it also means providing with an extra hand at educating your employees, assisting in the formation of strategic plans and much more.
As a renowned and well-recognised Digital Consultancy Company, our team of professionals understand your firm’s core objectives and work with your team-mates to create a strategic plan in order to gain more traffic and potential customers. Our team helps reform your company’s profile, track audience interests and their behaviour towards your brand. We tend to understand your company goals and provide a comparative analysis of what your competitors are doing as well.
Our Strategic Approach & Services:
  • Digital Strategic schema
  • Digitally Equipped Workshops
  • Business Transformation Plans
  • Tried & Tested Content Strategy
  • Digital Marketing Training Courses
  • Capability Assessment and Analysis
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Digital Excellence Team
Alongside to our aforementioned services, Sanbrains is highly client focused company and our team of experts aims at providing every help our client needs. Since digital marketing is such a vast field, we focus on providing consultancy by evaluating every aspect in accordance to your business goals and build an online strategy for success. We provide all our services according to your business requirements and we aim at producing better results regarding your place in the market.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

9 Reasons why digital marketing is important irrespective of your business size :Sanbrains

The digital marketing stream is not reserved for large corporations. Regardless of size, industry or geography, digital is a necessity for growth and business innovation today and beyond.
1. Digital Marketing Costs Less
Traditional marketing campaigns, including print and television, are more costly because of pricey resources and the difficulty of tracking ROI. Digital marketing uses targeted research and analytics to quickly determine which approaches are working well and which aren’t worth the cost or resources. So, most digital marketing channels tend to be less costly from the start and prevent overspending on underperforming campaigns.

2. Small Businesses are More Competitive

Digital marketing closes much of the gap between large, medium, and small companies because it avails each level with many of the same resources. While big companies with larger budgets will be able to spend more on paid ads and advanced software, digitalmarketing gives SMBs more opportunities to compete, improve brand awareness, and build an audience.

3. ROI Measures Program Results

ROI asks the question, “What kind of results do my programs deliver?” While it’s not the easiest marketing measurement to calculate, the finished product is hugely valuable to measuring success. Single attribution (first touch/last touch) is the method of measurement used by nearly half of marketing teams. This method acknowledges the theory that it takes an average of seven touches to convert a cold lead to a sale, and puts the highest value on the first or last touch. When it comes to traditional marketing, it is much more difficult to measure the ROI of a print ad than it is to measure that of a digital ad, because the audience of a print ad is so much broader. With digital marketing, which can target specific audiences, it is easier to determine which ad led to which sale. Other methods of measuring ROI are attribution across multiple programs and people, test and control groups, and market mix modeling.

4. Online Market Share Clarifies Sales Figures

Online market share is the percentage of total market sales a company accounts for. This figure is determined by dividing the company’s total sales by online sales and multiplying that number by 100. The benefit? Market share gives sales figures context, allowing the company to view their sales regarding market size. Companies see precisely how they measure up to the competition, which better informs business innovation.

5. Email Marketing Still Communicates Best

A good digital marketing strategy should cater to the audience’s preferences. Most people, 72%, in fact, prefer to hear from brands via email, making a strong case for an engaging email marketing strategy. Email marketing puts targeted messaging right in front of customers and potential customers. When automated, trigger emails can even be sent automatically based on customer activity, further personalizing interactions.

6. Social Media Builds Trust

A referral from a friend instantly makes a company seem more trustworthy to potential customers. Digital advertising leverages social media to make “likes” and other online reviews visible to friends of customers. Recommendations make a company stand out from the competition, automatically building trust.

7. SEO Puts Your Brand Where The Audience Can Find It

Everyone uses Google. In fact, 81% of B2B purchase cycles begin with a web search. That may be why search engine optimization (SEO) has the best ROI of any digital marketing channel. For a company to be seen on Google, it must show up on the search engine’s first page. A solid SEOstrategy is used to improve a company’s Google ranking.

8. Mobile Marketing Increases Engagement

Did you know many people don’t even own desktop computers anymore? Mobile marketing  opens up a whole world of opportunities for increased engagement, from creating a more personalized user experience to reaching new users. According to Global Web Index, more than 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and 90% of the time spent on their smartphone is devoted to apps. Mobile marketing—from email and social ad design to SEO to branded apps—allows you to reach users in their most native environment.

 9. Analytics Improve Business Models

Measuring digital analytics helps companies make informed decisions about where to invest their resources, improving efficiency. Gathering numbers for traditional marketing channels is a manual process, while most digital platforms, including social media and marketing automation, have built-in analytics dashboards with all of the data automatically available. View reports on dashboards for easy visuals, and map the customer journey, measuring performance metrics at each step.

About us and this blog:

We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.



APP STORE OPTIMIZATION: Technology is growing and the love for technology among the individuals is increasing day by day. Everyone wants to code an app and upload it in play store and wants to be a successful person. Each and every day at least 2 to 3 new apps are coded and placed in stores. At most there are four different stores in which an app can be stored for public use namely

  • Google Play for Android
  • iTunes for IOS
  • Windows store for windows phone
  • Blackberry world for Blackberry

  • As of now, there are up to 2 million apps in the stores. Nowadays even a class V student is using the mobile phone. If he/she wishes to download a cricket game, they go to Appstore and search using the keyword cricket. But what happens next is something going beyond our imagination almost thousands of cricket apps pop out and what do they do? He clicks on the very first app, downloads it and starts playing.
    So what you have understood is the cause of concern. Developing app and placing it in the store is a half done work and making sure to rank it high and be the best out of competitors is the next half work and from above we can conclude that the second half is more important than the first half.
    So how can we make our app rank higher when compared to other apps?
    That’s where App store optimization (ASO) works. ASO works same as SEO but the only difference is that we use ASO for mobiles and SEO for websites. In short, ASO is used to optimize the mobile apps such that they rank higher when compared with our competitors. The important benefits of using ASO are
    1. You will stay above the other competitors i.e., you rank high
    2. Users can easily find your app
    3. Increased number of downloads
    4. More revenue
    We at SanBrains look out for your competitors and optimize your app page in such a way that it ranks higher when compared with your competitors which results in stability of your app thereby increasing the number of downloads which results in more profits. According to a survey, 70% downloads come from app stores, so it’s important



    As the retail business is seeing a move with advanced in how marks are moving toward promoting and setting up a store nearness, retailers are searching for approaches to give convenient important substance that customers request to ace the Omni channel approach, completely associating the on the web, versatile and in-person encounter.

    An examination by uncovered a few key patterns that are affecting the retail business and change the kinds of showcasing choices being made later on.

    1) A Shift to Social Media Spend:

    Seventy-eight percent of retailers overviewed will spend more in 2018 via web-based networking media advertising. What's more, albeit 67% said they will utilize email showcasing and driving versatile transformation as an approach to get more clients, somewhere in the range of (10%) of the biggest retailers announced they will keep their financial plans precisely the same as 2017.

    "Brands are taking a gander at internet based life not only for mark assembling but rather for procurement and execution media," said Marissa Tarleton, CMO at RetailMeNot Inc. "Before, advertisers were setting aside a social spending plan for mark building, however marks are currently putting greater speculation via web-based networking media since they can see an arrival on venture."

    While assessing web based life, Tarleton said the most critical components to consider are targetability and estimation.

    2) Customer Want Deals and Promotions:

    Advancements and arrangements will be basic with regards to expanding income and devotion among clients. Seventy-six percent of the retailers reviewed plan to build the advancements they offer in 2018, ending up more key by they way they play in the advancements space and working with accomplices to all the more likely measure the achievement of their advancements crosswise over channels.

    Expanding deals income is a best marker for progress. It is positioned regularly as a deciding variable of the advancements that retailers and brands offer to purchaser (56%), trailed by new client development (55%) and mark mindfulness (half).

    Retailers that trust that connecting with slipped by clients is a low need are passing up on the chance. Arrangements can be a profitable showcasing apparatus for reconnecting a client with a specific brand and regularly will divert the buyer's shopping venture back to the retailer – bringing about a deal.

    Tarleton said that shoppers need investment funds that are anything but difficult to acquire [regardless of stage or area. On the web or in-store just arrangements tend to detract from the simple utilization of advancements and arrangements crosswise over channels.

    Multi-contact attribution will be a center this year for half of the retailers overviewed to more readily screen the nature of activity from publicizing speculations.

    Another pattern is developing brand mindfulness in 2018. In spite of the fact that business income and new client development stay imperative, there is a developing pattern among retailers [that say mark mindfulness is their concentration to assess accomplishment of showcasing revolved around arrangements and offers. One out of five retailer advertisers detailed this would be the most basic proportion of achievement in 2018.

    Tarleton said retailers are putting resources into unwaveringness, personalization and innovation to separate themselves from the opposition since they know about the significance of brand notoriety when a customer is picking the brand nearby.

    4) Site and App Partnerships Are Critical:

    Site and application associations are essential in computerized advertising. Almost 9 of every 10 advertisers said their image will accomplice in some limit with sites or applications concentrated on advancements, arrangements and dependability.

    A large portion of the advertisers reviewed (62%) want to work with far reaching arrangement and site applications, trailed with money back just stages (53%) and dependability particular applications (half).

    Retailers are seeing the most come back from general arrangement sites and applications, which give an extensive advanced advertising arrangement that will drive mark mindfulness and income through an assortment of channels.

    5) A Shift to a Younger Demographic:

    Most retailers are moving the concentrate far from Baby Boomers for the more youthful statistic. As shopping practices between ages keep on shifting so do retailers' concentration and focusing on.

    Advertisers who need to profit by the ways of managing money of more youthful ages are moving promoting dollars toward them and far from more seasoned ages. Retailers in 2018 are giving careful consideration to the manner in which customers approach the purchasing venture and what they are requesting from shopping background.

    Tarleton said she wasn't shocked that advertisers are expanding spend on twenty to thirty year olds, with numerous retailers particularly spending more via web-based networking media.

    Today, advertisers are putting resources into content using brand influencers, including blog-related substance to achieve this gathering of customers.

    6) Standing firm on Ad Fraud:

    This year, 6 of every 10 advertisers will expand their immediate media purchasing to all the more likely screen the nature of the movement from publicizing ventures. Truth be told, almost half (48%) of retailers intend to decrease the measure of deceitful promoting activity by lessening automatic spend.

    One zone under investigation in the buy procedure is the development of multi-contact attribution and how it functions close by last-click estimation.

    7) Making Mobile Checkout Simpler:

    Best of brain for retailers today is handling the difficulties with versatile web checkout and ensuring brands can enhance the experience for their clients.

    The review uncovered that portable will be a key zone for retailers looking to emphatically influence deals development and offer customers the cell phone shopping background they are searching for.

    Those retailers with an in-store nearness, in-store money back offers and card-connected offers rank high, with the greater part (54%) wanting to test these strategies in 2018.

    8) Portable Marketing to Drive In-Store Sales:

    Advertisers are putting more in portable promoting to help drive in-store deals. Advertisers are moving their versatile [efforts?] far from online business to advanced showcasing. This is a consequence of the expanded chances of having portable promoting sway all computerized and in-store channels.

    Seventy-two percent of the retailers overviewed utilize versatile showcasing to drive in-store deals, trailed by 82% utilizing it for portable application deals and 93% utilizing portable advertising for online deals development. An extra half of retail advertisers say their portable showcasing group falls under computerized promoting inside their association – up from 41% of every 2016.

    Tarleton said portable is impacting all channels since the present shoppers are settling on their purchasing choices on cell phones.

    "It's tied in with being before the client where they are, that addresses online networking also, on the grounds that so much time is spent via web-based networking media on their telephone," said Tarleton.

    Why sanbrains:

    We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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