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Monday, September 3, 2018

How to Reduce Bounce Rate on Your Website :

How to Reduce Bounce Rate on Your Website

Imagine you went to the bakery to buy something, you were not impressed with the bakery so you turned back and left the bakery without buying anything. So did that help the owner of the bakery? Did he earn anything?
Now replace the word ‘bakery’ with ‘website’ and reconstruct the sentence.
So you have visited a website, you were not at all impressed with their content and you left the website. So this is called as bounce rate In simple words.
What is bounce rate?
Bounce rate is defined as the number of visitors who visits the website land on the home page and leave webpage rather than visiting the other pages of the website. Why visitors leave/bounce from your website?
  1. He might click any other ad or link posted on your webpage
  2. He might find your content as boring and not relevant
  3. He might press back button accidentally
  4. Session timeout
Bounce rate is the only thing that many website owners hate. So how to reduce the bounce rate? In this post, I will let you know some tricks which might help you to decrease your website bounce rate.
How to reduce it?
There are many things that come into play when we are in a process to reduce the bounce rate, out of them the most important factors are
  1. Always make the visitors interesting with your content, make them excited so that they stay for a long time or they press on next web page.
  2. Always post relevant information
  3. Don’t irritate the readers with unnecessary ad pop outs making them leave the website
  4. No one likes reading continuously, so throw some bullet points which make his or her work easier
  5. Never use too complex words, if the reader doesn’t understand what you are saying then he leaves the page in a matter of seconds
  6. Use plenty of images, charts, and videos. They attract the readers more easily
  7. Do not keep your web page simple and clean, make it always colourful and attractive by using good templates
  8. Use the word conclusion in your writings, which excites user that he is near to end the reading.
So by following the aforementioned tricks, make sure you follow these when you write something so that your bounce rate gets decreased day by day.

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We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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