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Tuesday, September 4, 2018



COLLATERAL DESIGN – TAKE A PEEK INTO THE OFFLINE WORLD: Every business wishes to broaden their horizons, reaching out to more people. You have to keep evolving to keep pace with the ever-growing world of marketing. Collateral marketing is one such thing that’ll help your business grow by reaching out to people that are not online. Although it can serve online media as well, it’s primary objective is targeting non-internet users. And of course, online branding is very important but you can’t ignore a large chunk of the offline base. You’ll fall behind.
Collateral Design refers to sketching the printed media which includes brochures, sell sheets, fliers, postcards, letterheads and more. SanBrains specializes in business cards creating a lasting impact with a minimal budget. The logo of your organization would be imprinted on all of the applications to create a better representation. Collateral Marketing is often used as a reserve to the primary marketing campaign reinforcing the brand to bring in the sales. Educational reports, short diaries, calendars can be distributed for free in an attempt to build trust. This will come in handy in the long run. After the primary campaign sweeps all of your target audience through the traditional means of marketing, we implement Collateral Design to depict the print media such that it’d zero-in on the leads turning them into customers.
So what makes Collateral marketing any different from your conventional broadcasting?
Well, let’s go through this.
  • Cost-effective
  • Longevity
  • Tangible
  • Reaching the last ounce of your target audience
  • No wasted distribution
  • Impressions galore
The idea of collateral can also be implemented as your chief marketing campaign if you are of small-scale business striving for glory.
Why would you choose SanBrains?
  • We are precise with an intention to grab attention
  • Brief overview
  • Enticing the client to make the conversion
  • Informative
  • Billboard and posters at hotspots
  • Innovation
  • Combo services that’ll be memorable
So with the aforementioned services, we’ll help you redesign your boundaries and make you think before drawing a line.

About us and this blog:

We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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