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Monday, September 3, 2018

What is Social Media Marketing (SMM) :


social media marketing: Every day we end up spending half of our day on social networking sites for no use. But believe me, even the persons who are named on Forbes as the richest and most successful persons spend their half day on social networking sites. Even they spend the same time as we spend but why they are successful when we are sitting at homes and reading their articles on the same social networking sites?
The answer is they are using social networking sites for promoting their business where we use them to pass our time. It is high time for us to get influenced and start using social media in a profitable way.
What is social media marketing?
Social media is a place where we connect with our family, friends and some strangers digitally. Facebook, twitter, snapchat, Instagram are some examples of social media sites. we are connected with the world using social media, so by using social media we post our services online as an image or text or video that contains information of our organization which is shared all over the world.
Why social media marketing?
Almost the entire world is connected through social media. According to a report, a person spends an average time of 3hours spending on the internet. He scrolls through all the social networking sites that he is connected with. 4 Out of every 10 persons ended up buying things online. Everyone became so lazy that he or she wants everything to come to his or her feet.
As per 2017, The world population is 7.8 billion and out of those 5.1 billion are connected through social networking sites. Facebook itself has 1.5 billion registered users. So do you get a better place than social media to promote your brand?
Benefits of social media marketing:
Easy brand awareness
Easy to market and promote your business
Easy to engage customers
Live chat support
No cost / minimal cost

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