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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Website Analytics: Get Deep Insights Into Web Traffic Data

With so many websites hanging about, you need your website to be at it’s optimum in order to stand above the rest. Web Analytics is optimizing your website for a better user experience. We collect and measure the data allowing us to compile reports. Analysing the traffic is important as it gives you the reasons as to why the audience do what they behavior do.
In this day-and-age, your website is the best representative of your business be it small scale or large. At SanBrains, we help you tailor the user-interface and user-experience by personalizing it as per the target audience. We make sure your website always carries out the values your business intends to. Often the digital marketing teams make use of various tools for the marketing campaign and it can be difficult to dissect the results as it proves to be time consuming. Hence, we take up that responsibility of measuring your success. We dig into minute details not taking anything for granted, the position of images and the font style will be attended. By observing the visitor’s behavior on the website, we draw conclusions as to what’s working and what isn’t thereby taking measures to increase the performance and conversions. In simple terms, we collect data and generate reports.
SanBrains determines the following to help you with your website
  • Likely keywords
  • Geographical locations
  • Distinctive users
  • Trends within the website
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Use of KPIs
  • Top content on the website
  • Predict future trends
We make use of Digital Marketing Metrics to measure the performance of your marketing campaigns. We test alternatives and determine if they yield in results. Implementation of insights will also be done based on the data analysed. It doesn’t just have to be web, social media also has it’s own place. Back in the 90’s, Web Analytics was just confined to merely saving the internet data as log files, but with the rise of Google Analytics in 2005, we can now do a whole lot more including studying the behaviour of your customers and their fields of interest.

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We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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