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Search This Blog

Tuesday, September 4, 2018



Google Indexing is a by-product of Crawling. The data collected by the bots while crawling through a website will be stored on the Google server. It is nothing but adding web pages to the Google search engine. The website owners can decide which pages to be shown on the search engine by using the tags index or NO-index. The ‘index tag’ means that Google has the access to display that page and a ‘NO-index’ tag implies that it can be crawled but, the page is not up for display on the search engine. Always remember, the pages you want to display can only be done so if they were available for crawling.
How to deploy the tags?
The smart thing to do is, let all your primary pages be displayed on the search engine by employing the ‘index’ tag and the pages you consider to be peripheral can be marked under ‘NO-index’ tag. This will result in a rise in your search rankings. The peripheral pages might hinder your progress hence, ignored.
Indexing plays a pivotal role in the Google’s algorithm in terms of having an effect on the decision-making process. If your website is indexed properly, the pages will be amongst the most popular ones in search results.
There are several layers to indexing
  • When the links haven’t been found by crawling.
  • When the links have been found but, ignored.
  • When the crawling is complete but, left out for indexing
  • Permanent indexing – when the pages are to be displayed on the search engine forever.
  • Temporary indexing – when the pages are to be displayed only for a period of time before removing them.
Indexing helps your website to be more organized, better architecture and user-friendly. Eventually, all the efforts you put in are for the good of the customers and help them navigate through your site effortlessly. Indexing makes your most important pages to be found easily which is what you want for higher search rankings.

About us and this blog

We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.

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