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Thursday, September 13, 2018

9 Reasons why digital marketing is important irrespective of your business size :Sanbrains

The digital marketing stream is not reserved for large corporations. Regardless of size, industry or geography, digital is a necessity for growth and business innovation today and beyond.
1. Digital Marketing Costs Less
Traditional marketing campaigns, including print and television, are more costly because of pricey resources and the difficulty of tracking ROI. Digital marketing uses targeted research and analytics to quickly determine which approaches are working well and which aren’t worth the cost or resources. So, most digital marketing channels tend to be less costly from the start and prevent overspending on underperforming campaigns.

2. Small Businesses are More Competitive

Digital marketing closes much of the gap between large, medium, and small companies because it avails each level with many of the same resources. While big companies with larger budgets will be able to spend more on paid ads and advanced software, digitalmarketing gives SMBs more opportunities to compete, improve brand awareness, and build an audience.

3. ROI Measures Program Results

ROI asks the question, “What kind of results do my programs deliver?” While it’s not the easiest marketing measurement to calculate, the finished product is hugely valuable to measuring success. Single attribution (first touch/last touch) is the method of measurement used by nearly half of marketing teams. This method acknowledges the theory that it takes an average of seven touches to convert a cold lead to a sale, and puts the highest value on the first or last touch. When it comes to traditional marketing, it is much more difficult to measure the ROI of a print ad than it is to measure that of a digital ad, because the audience of a print ad is so much broader. With digital marketing, which can target specific audiences, it is easier to determine which ad led to which sale. Other methods of measuring ROI are attribution across multiple programs and people, test and control groups, and market mix modeling.

4. Online Market Share Clarifies Sales Figures

Online market share is the percentage of total market sales a company accounts for. This figure is determined by dividing the company’s total sales by online sales and multiplying that number by 100. The benefit? Market share gives sales figures context, allowing the company to view their sales regarding market size. Companies see precisely how they measure up to the competition, which better informs business innovation.

5. Email Marketing Still Communicates Best

A good digital marketing strategy should cater to the audience’s preferences. Most people, 72%, in fact, prefer to hear from brands via email, making a strong case for an engaging email marketing strategy. Email marketing puts targeted messaging right in front of customers and potential customers. When automated, trigger emails can even be sent automatically based on customer activity, further personalizing interactions.

6. Social Media Builds Trust

A referral from a friend instantly makes a company seem more trustworthy to potential customers. Digital advertising leverages social media to make “likes” and other online reviews visible to friends of customers. Recommendations make a company stand out from the competition, automatically building trust.

7. SEO Puts Your Brand Where The Audience Can Find It

Everyone uses Google. In fact, 81% of B2B purchase cycles begin with a web search. That may be why search engine optimization (SEO) has the best ROI of any digital marketing channel. For a company to be seen on Google, it must show up on the search engine’s first page. A solid SEOstrategy is used to improve a company’s Google ranking.

8. Mobile Marketing Increases Engagement

Did you know many people don’t even own desktop computers anymore? Mobile marketing  opens up a whole world of opportunities for increased engagement, from creating a more personalized user experience to reaching new users. According to Global Web Index, more than 80% of internet users own a smartphone, and 90% of the time spent on their smartphone is devoted to apps. Mobile marketing—from email and social ad design to SEO to branded apps—allows you to reach users in their most native environment.

 9. Analytics Improve Business Models

Measuring digital analytics helps companies make informed decisions about where to invest their resources, improving efficiency. Gathering numbers for traditional marketing channels is a manual process, while most digital platforms, including social media and marketing automation, have built-in analytics dashboards with all of the data automatically available. View reports on dashboards for easy visuals, and map the customer journey, measuring performance metrics at each step.

About us and this blog:

We are a digital marketing company with a focus on helping our customers achieve great results across several key areas.


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